Jalia Movement Arts

Jalia Movement Arts, under the direction of Keisha Breaker, is an innovative dance education organization developed to empower youth through the medium of dance. Through various workshops and residencies, students will engage in learning academics through arts integration, creative expression through movement, storytelling, interpretation of poetry and photography. Students use dance to bring written works to life and experience their own ideas and emotions.

Keisha Breaker is an educator, choreographer, performer, motivational speaker, and a director all rolled into one. She utilizes her bachelor’s degree in dance from Texas Woman’s University and additional training from institutions such as the Alvin Ailey School of Dance to develop programing for Houston area youth and adults. Keisha holds the strong belief that the arts are simply the catalyst for all creativity, discipline, and perseverance in one's life. She is often heard saying “I am not here to teach you dance poetry or drama, I am here to teach you life.” Keisha aims to inspire and empower others through her vast experiences in the arts where movement becomes the tool to instill personal growth and strength. With this inspiration in mind, Keisha developed innovative programming for the thousands of youth she has reached. She has directed performance groups such as “FOCUS,” which became a voice to Fort Worth youth through dance, allowing teens to be expressive and address issues that were of concern to them. Additional programs like “Jalia: 5 points of Empowerment” and “Footnotes: Reading Initiative through Dance" enriched students on academic and social emotional levels. She also became passionate about the education of other instructors and implemented workshops titled “Moving Classrooms” in which she teaches instructors how to use movement as a tool to learn core subjects. Her career highlights and accolades include: Currently serving as Past Vice President of Dance with Texas Association of Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. She earned the Dance Educator of the Year Award (Dance Dallas/Fort Worth), Fort Worth's Woman of the Year, Fort Worth Black Historian (KRLD Radio); Woman's History Month Honoree (Tarrant County Minority and Leadership and Citizen Council) and Distinguished Alumni (Texas Woman's University).


Jalia Movement Arts

Jalia Movement Arts


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Jalia Movement Arts

Wiggle with Words (Workshop)


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Jalia Movement Arts

Keisha Breaker


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Jalia Movement Arts

Keisha Breaker


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Jalia Movement Arts

Jalia Movement Arts


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Jalia Movement Arts

Wiggle With Words (Workshop)


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Jalia Movement Arts

I Hear the Drum (Workshop)


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Jalia Movement Arts

Wiggle With Words (Workshop)


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